vendredi, mai 19, 2006

A little geography : the agglomeration of Maubeuge.

  • Maubeuge lies at the river Sambre in France near the border of Belgium. It is southly of the department of North in the Region North-Pas-de-Calais. Along the Sambre came in the 19th century much industry, so that a serie of little villages and towns along the Sambre went bigger, just to form an agglomaration. We can say that the Val de Sambre (it is the petic name with which is named now the region, before it was the Bassin de la Sambre) has two poles, one in the North, it is MAubeuge, and one in the South, it is the ancient railway knote Aulnoye-Aymeries.
  • In the South-West of the Val de Sambre, Aulnoye-Aymeries is surrounded by the villages and little towns Leval, Berlaimont, Bachant and Pont-sur-Sambre. It had some industry (metalurgic industry, electricity production, merchandise and passengers railway knot) and now it becomes a more countryside character and some towns of it are part of the Parc Naturel Régional of the Avesnois (a regional parc of nature protection), some other parts are in the Parc Naturel Régional de l'Avesnois, a Regional Parc of Nature Protection.
  • In the North-East of the Val de Sambre is the town of Maubeuge which is with about 35 000 inhabitants a middle town for french measures. At the border with Belgium there where the Sambre is changing of country, is the middle town of Jeumont, and a little southly of Maubeuge, also along the Sambre there is Hautmont which is a middle town too.
  • All around these three bigger towns are suburbs and some little towns and villages that make the whole to a chain of urban character along the Sambre.
  • From the Belgium border to the town of St-Rémy-du-Nord, we find the towns of Jeumont, Marpent, Recquignies (not to confuse with Rocquignies near Fourmies) and Boussois, Assevent and Rousies. In the North of Maubeuge we find Marbaix, it is to the road to the belgish town Mons/Bergen which is northly from Maubeuge. In the South of Maubeuge you can find Ferrière-la-Grande, in the South-East along the Sambre you can find Louvroil, Neuf-Mesnil, Hautmont and St Rémy-du-Nord. In the west of Maubeuge, is the town of Feignies.
  • A blog is made to be the reflection of our lives, so I make some photos were I have something to do, if I have something to do in Louvroil, for example go to the supermarket, I can make photos there, and I shall not say : To day I go to Jeumont extra to make photos.
  • Clara.